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The old witch Hillary Clinton is a certified whack job. Her mental torment over losing to Trump has finally put her over the edge. Hope someone has an eye on her. Hard telling what she might do.

I’ve been saying for years, two sets of laws, one for the elites and one for the rest of us. We both know what would have happened to us if we had mishandled even one classified document.

I love how”history” teachers like to reinterpret history in order to fit their narrative!

Boy, the Education system does a number on these young people. Even the trained Educators are sadly lacking in the ability for objective logic.

Now the Moron, Fat ass trump decides not to hold the G7 Summit at his hotel!I wonder why? It is incredible and just plain STUPID like he is to even think to have it there! UNCONSTITUTIONAL! The IDIOT is defenitely crazy! IT IS ABSOLUTELY SCARY that he is still the president!

It’s full of bedbugs for one thing, and he was going to remodel it to prepare, using the taxpayers’ money! Pence and Graham begged him to change the location. What about Camp David, which is already properly secured?

Unconstitutional my ass. He was doing it at costs. You really need to research stuff before shooting off you fat mouth.r

Complete bullshit. It’s a blatant violation of the emoluments clause, as well as a conflict of interest. People have gone to prison for less.

Do you mean Hillary? Biden? Heehaw.

YOU ARE AN IDIOT! Who gets the money? TRUMPTARD!

Will this ‘news’ site do a story on Max Weavers racist tirade at the landlords meeting the other night?!?!?

What was the tirade about?

He insulted a staffer in the badly-named city development dept, making reference to her size, appearance and Muslim faith. The really interesting part is that there’s a whole TV show about people who did the same thing she did, which was marry a Middle Eastern man she met on the internet, who left her the second he got his citizenship. She has a child with him.

Are you really that stupid or what? Max is the least racist person you will ever find. He just told the truth and you can’t stand it. You damn liar!

Trump tweeted yesterday that we have secured the oil in the Kurdish area. The major oil producing city in Kurdistan has been taken over by the Russians who now have control of the oil. So, the ‘we’ Trump was talking about, is actually the Russians. Anyone who thinks he is a Russian tool is nuts.

That should have read “anyone who thinks he ISN’T a Russian tool is nuts”

Not to mention the FIFTY NUKES that we left behind in the mad scramble to obey the Fuhrer’s order to get out immediately! He really could blow up the whole world with this latest screwup!

But Hillary”s emails.!!!!!!!

I find it amazing that the Trump supporters don’t respond to posts like this. Why not?

Hillary is a hideous human being. There is no line she won’t cross, no lie she won’t create an she doesn’t care about the lives she’s attempting to destroy with her corrupt BS.

You just described trump! Couldn’t have said it better myself! THANK YOU!

Then why do you keep trying???


Then she should keep her dick sucking mouth shut. Four More Years!

Right after you shut your dick sucking mouth. Need a napkin?

HILLARY 2020!!!!$

The Great Lakes were carved by glaciers over a mile high around 11,000 yrs ago. When these fools can tell me how many and what make/model of cars contributed to the melting of those glaciers back then, I may believe them….

You are gullible. Please enroll in college level science courses ASAP.

A fifth grade science class would probably do it, actually.

Why is a brainwashed, obviously disturbed child being used as a prop. Actually its child abuse. That kid has no clue what is coming out of her mouth, or the lack of science behind it. She’s a pawn of the climate hoax cult.

She’s nor disturbed or brainwashed. She’s got her own mind and isn’t afraid to speak it. Sorry you feel so threatened by that.

Yesterday, I was listening so some news network and Biden was shown making a speech in Iowa. He said ” he was part of the squeeky clean Obama administration “. ( almost puked here ) However, he went on to say if elected president, he would not let anyone in his family or associated with his family work for a foreign country. Hey dude – the cat’s out of the bag now. Need to dodge this subject..

Obviously a poster from another state if not another country. A local would have said “here” instead of “in Iowa.” Spam your own sites.

I have never seen such a puking mess in all my life as these Biden’s trying to convince the people of America that they are upstanding citizens, with only what’s best for the country,and not themselves on their minds.

Trump wanted to be president so he could feel like a big man, and because he was virtually bankrupt. He and his family are looting the national treasury. If that doesn’t make you want to puke, you have a much bigger problem.

How stupid do you have to be to not recognize the profiting from US Vice President’s family from the country he’s working with and trying to shut down US gas production and send US money to that foreign country to aid their gas production with the son on the board of said company? He does not speak the language or have any experience in gas & oil business! Sure, happens all the time. The Dems think people are stupid!!!

Did you hear about the President who decided to host the G7 Summit at his own property and claimed he wouldn’t make any money off of it?

INCREDIBLE isn’t it? How can they let this happen? I am confused! The rooms, food, drinks and everything else! UNBELIEVABLE!

I know. But they will say it is ok because there wasn’t any other place that was suitable and Hillary’s emails!

Behar’s a POS. He could make millions just from the space he rents in that vacant head of hers. Btw Joy, it’s people like you who will get Trump re elected, so thank you. Keep up the good work!!! She’s used to having a whole audience of people who are picked specifically because they hate Trump. She can’t stand it when she gets out in the real world and sees just how many are for our president.

Arguing with a tv show. The sign of a sound mind and full life.

Trump will soon host “The Price is Right” – America is for sale to the highest bidding foreign contestant. Vlad…. come on down! Note that Trump will be dressed as a giant orange cheeto

All the contestants will be PUTIN,KIM…his Cabinet and Family! Hahahahaha!

It won’t be The Price is Right, it will be Family Feud.


Media, all kinds, usually says what “they want” to get the most attention, and not necessarily the truth…they could care less about the truth or lives they impact…shameful! And when their “facts” are proven wrong and TRUTH comes out their “Oops, sorry about that” isn’t screamed in their headlines, it’s whispered in some small little hidden fluff pieces!

The hoax is Democrats getting anything done to better our country. Just imagine how much greater off we could be if they would pitch in and work for the people instead of their own self interests!

Mitch McConnell controls what bills make it to the floor in the Senate, and he won’t permit any. He’s the reason for the lack of activity.

Gabbard is the only person on that stage with any common sense. That is why Hillary and the other demoncrats want to smear her. She chose the wrong party

Oh, now you suddenly like her! LOL

Tulsa, you’re too pretty to be a Democrat. Get over here with the beautiful Republicans.

So trump is beautiful to you? You must like really FAT, ASS UGLY PEOPLE! HAHAHAHAHA!

Find a picture of her without makeup and you will see how pretty she is! FUGLY!!! But, you republiCONS think trump is beautiful! LMFAO!!!!

Beautiful like Moscow Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, etc? LOL Put down the meth!

We need to divorce our country from the United Nations. They are one of the most corrupt groups of people in this world. It is time we pull out and have them move to a country more inline with the countries that want a one world order. Save us billions of dollars and our self respect. They allow many countries who are oppressive regimes to decide what is best for the rest of us. It is a total crock of shit!

That’s exactly what Putin wants, and has been working on for years. It’s why they interfered in the election to get Trump elected.

The U.N. is a waste of money and time. The building should be torn down and the so-called ambassadors sent packing. The money we spend on the U.N. should be used to help seniors on social security and Medicare.

Whatever you say, Vladimir.

“Thank you @HillaryClinton. You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain.” — Rep. Tulsi Gabbard responding to criticism from Hillary Clinton

Tulsi is the only Dem I have any respect for. She speaks her mind, doesn’t join “the pack” & has some interesting, debatable ideas. She deserves more air time than she’s getting but sadly, she isn’t what the left & the media are looking for.

Big whoop. He cares what a retired seal says. Just because he was trained to kill doesn’t make him smart.

There is DUMB and DUMBER and STUPID in this world. You just qualified for all 3! CONGRATS!

Advanced degrees are needed to achieve his rank, and even without them, you couldn’t carry his jockstrap. Wannabe punk.

Remember when Trump appointed James Mattis as Secretary of Defense? Mad Dog Mattis? Before reaching 2 years with the Trump organization, he quit. Trump loved him when he thought Mattis would do his bidding. Now calls him an over-rated. But Mattis isn’t over-rated, he is a smart guy. “I earned my spurs on the battlefield … Donald Trump earned his spurs in a letter from a doctor,” and he also said if Trump says he is over-rated that is good because he said Meryl Streep was over-rated.
Trump thinks he is smarter than the generals but he is not and when he tries to retain the White House after he loses, the generals will have the last laugh.

The UN is now a totally corrupt organization and should be thrown out of the US!

Exactly what Putin wants. Trump is a Russian asset, pure and simple.

thought tulsi had that job

She’s got it completely backward. The War for Independence was fought against elites like Pelosi trying to overturn the will of everyday people. If anything, Pelosi’s more like King George trying to crush everyday Americans and Trump’s more like George Washington, leading the fight for abused, everyday Americans.

Your fairytale belief that trump is not one of the elites is really confusing. He was born into money, he raised his family in money, and whatever he does now is for money. He doesn’t care for the people who aren’t wealthy; his tax cuts proved that. He only wants your vote and he will say anything to get that vote. If he is not re-elected (and he won’t be) he will try to undermine and divide this country like no one has ever done before. He is a narcissist, a bigot, and he loves the poorly educated.

“he will try to undermine and divide this country like no one has ever done before” Isn’t that being done right now, by a certain group of politicians?

Yes the ones in the White House.

You got it wrong, Democrats are not in the White House and they won’t be.

Democrats showing their stupidity again. Lowest unemployment, best ecomomy, people making more money paying less taxes and they want us to believe Trump is bad. Ha, ha, ha, ha.

Ha, ha, Commie has it backwards again. He is talking about Biden and the Democrats

It’s ironic because the Revolutionary War was about unfair taxes pushed on the people. Trump cut our taxes, and the Democrats want to impose tons more. The Revolutionary War probably isn’t the best example she should use.

She should have mentioned the patriots taking control of the airports. That worked for Bonespurs on the 4th of July.

The disdain I have for this Pelosi knows no end, she is a liar, and lacks integrity in anything she does. She is a grandstander who can’t back up anything she does with truth, verified confirmed evidence that the words out of her mouth are truth. She is a terrible leader, incapable of working in a bi-partisan forum because she can’t get past her personal feelings. She needs to be voted out plain and simple. The American Revolution was against excessive taxation, loss of liberties, and lack of representation the very things the Democrats have promised to do if elected….remove weapons, remove tax free status of churches, open borders and give up sovereignty.

Pelosi is so ignorant. She doesn’t realize that Trump is leading the revolution. She she and her cronies are what we are revolting against. The American Revolution was to overthrow tyranny, high taxes and governmental control. They are all about controlling everything in our daily lives. So nope she’s on the wrong side of that history with her one sided SECRET IMPEACHMENT TRIALS. Her form of governing is worse than the Salem witch trials which actually provided for a public hearing.

You’re revolting all right, especially your obvious hatred of women.

If the Democrats keep on with their socialist agenda they may get to see another American revolution. Nancy Pelosi is losing her mind and she has already lost control of Congress.

We are not scared.

Two crews were flushing yesterday up and down Washington and up and down Delaware overnight in the downtown area. They got finished at about 5 a.m.

The Deep State has been around before the 1950’s President Eisenhower warned us against it, only he called it the “Industrial Complex”. The Deep State had President Kennedy assassinated Nov. 22, 1963. The Warren Commission appointed by President Johnson, then covered up the President Kennedy’s assination telling us the Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman and only one responsible for Kennedy’s assisnation. The Media helps the Deep State retain their power. President Trump has exposed the Deep State and Corrupt Media. It’s now up to the voters to stay the course and keep electing people like Trump to destroy the Deep State. It can’t be done in 8 years, it’s going to take at least 20 years. This is our reality today!

Here is your reality check – Trump won’t be around in 20 years. You stated Eisenhower warned us about the Deep State so he must have been onto ‘them’ whoever ‘they’ may be.

He called it the “military-industrial complex,” and warned that it was trying to take over the Republican Party, already then, as it has succeeded in doing now. Everything else in this hallucinatory post is pure BS.

An international body of nearly 100 climate scientists convened by the United Nations have issued a stern warning to the rest of the world.
Unless governments around the globe undertake “unprecedented” action to reverse it, 97 percent of climate scientists will lose their jobs.
In short, the scientists say the world has only eighteen months to tackle climate change to avoid some serious unemployment in the climate science industry.
“If we can’t convince people that the world is ending soon due to climate change and thus secure funding for more studies about how the world is ending,” said climatologist Peter Zeiglerface, “then we’re going to be out of a job and forced to sit at home and play with our home weather stations all day!”

There is a video from Glen Beck that explains this corruption goes back 2014 involving Obama,Biden, Hunter n John Kerry, in Ukraine… they are trying to cover up by blaming Trump for the corrupt deals they made ! It is scary n the media just covers it up

Glen Beck lost his TV job due to his chemical dependency and mental/emotional issues, for which he’s been hospitalized repeatedly. He’s also apologized publicly for what even he called his “erratic” behavior, and for his part in creating the divisions in American society today.

This appears to me to be PURE LEFT WING BS. Let’s have a cite from a REPUTABLE source, not a biased lefty source.

Why should he provide a cite? You never do when you are called on your right wing wacko theories.

Take all Federal funds away in Sanctuary City, Counties, State. Not one cent.

Where is Sanctuary City? Is it near Gotham City?

We the people need to take back control of towns, cities and States that are being victimized by the government….this is why the Second Amendment is so important, do not be a victim to the government.

You the people = one crazy guy with a computer in a basement, spamming everywhere.

What qualifications does this Obama witch have. She couldn’t even get the school lunches right. She hates America so why would we trust her to lead our country. She was good at spending our tax dollars for trips and vacations.

She has multiple advanced degrees, which makes her more qualified than anybody named Trump already. She’s not running for anything, either, so calm down.

“She has MULTIPLE advanced degrees…” (emphasis added) What are they? When were they earned? I know of only one.

You are correct. She has only one advanced degree – her JD degree. But she is an intelligent woman who accomplished much as a business person and as a First Lady. What have you done?

Only democrats would want a person who stated for all the world to hear that she “was never proud of America”. So Mrs. Obama wants a chance to finish the horrors that BHO STARTED.

You are deliberately misconstruing what she said. Here it is in context: “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change. And I have been desperate to see our country moving in that direction and just not feeling so alone in my frustration and disappointment. I’ve seen people who are hungry to be unified around some basic common issues and it’s made me proud.”
In case your comprehension is low (which is evident) she states she is proud because for the first time in her adult life, people are hungry for change. She never stated that America was bad or anything close to what you are implying. Quit lying.

Talk about lying? That’s all you do. I saw her on T.V. saying how much she hated this country and that she had never been proud of it until that traitor Barry was elected.

What program was that? You never saw her on television saying that. You are lying again.

Warren honestly has a mental deficiency and will lie about anything and promise everything. What a sad candidate for anything

You just described the so called president of the United States! Thank you very much!

Is there anything Democrat’s will not promise to get elected ? I hope voters are intelligent enough not to believe these hollow self serving people that make promises they cannot deliver.

Our congress wants Trump to protect Syria’s border and not our own. What am I missing?

You are missing the hundreds of Innocent Man, Women and CHILDREN that are getting slaughtered! THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE MISSING! Do you think TRUMP, his buddy PUTIN, ASSAD, ERDOGAN or other world leaders care? HELL NO!

12 Socialist Democrats Debate tonite. WHY is it they Look,Sound & Act like a Dozen DUMB ASSES Too STUPID to get out of Jury Duty?

That’s due to your blood alcohol level. Sober up and they’ll look different.

The Dems are pulling a fast one . To have a closed meeting for just but a few and excluding the Republicans , from hearing this in full , gives one to believe they are hiding something. Schiff is cherry picking what he is willing to release. Confusing , the house has this kind of power , and shows how dirty Democrats are.

Here are the minority member of the House Intelligence Committee.
Devin Nunes, Ranking Member
22nd District of California
Mike Conaway
11th District of Texas
Michael Turner
10th District of Ohio
Brad Wenstrup
2nd District of Ohio
Chris Stewart
2nd District of Utah
Rick Crawford
1st District of Arkansas
Elise Stefanik
21st District of New York
Will Hurd
23rd District of Texas
John Ratcliffe
4th District of Texas

All are Republicans, all sit in on the hearings. Quit lying.

BEAUTIFUL! Way to show these idiot, brainwashed republiCONS the truth! Thank you!

The wackos will call it fake news. Can’t take the truth that Trump is lying to them

Fight back republicans!! Write your representatives and make you voice heard!!! Take the vote, allow a fair investigation. The people need to know what’s going on!! Why and what are the Democrats hiding?!?!

Fox News’ Andrew Napolitano…… “As frustrating as it may be to have these hearings going on behind closed doors … they are consistent with the rules. … When were the rules written last? In January of 2015. And who signed them? John Boehner. And who enacted them? A Republican majority.”

and Matt keeps saying cha ching $$$$$$$$$$$$ 🙂

If the shoe fits,(and it does) wear it! I agree with our President. At one time, Pelosi may have been good, however she has been a 3 bit hack since her alcoholism took over.

Pelosi handled his tantrum like a boss.

NOT my president! YOUR president!

Pelosi was a typical Bitch/Whitch and like a whiny little bitch she did what she does best, nothing.

The bitch kicked his ass then ate his lunch. She grabbed him by his man pussy and made him squeal. You go girl!


Pelosi has been so nice to him and then he treats her so bad. I wouldn’t have let the fool into the meeting to begin with. The same way the Republicans are kicked out of the impeachment hearings. Democrats have lost control of the world, the United States, and the former Democratic Party. In 2020 they will be working at Dicks, Nike, Starbucks,and another few that are going down in flames.

…can I drink some of the KOOL-aid you’ve been

Pelosi has been insulting the President since day one. I advise her to grow up and quit being a petty old lady who is mentally losing it. Schumer is a lap dog for whoever can get him ahead.

Yeah, your advice is invaluable to everybody. LOL

Great advise. Don’t pull a “Pelosi” ..actually read the facts.

Advice is the word. Trump is the one who doesn’t take advice because he is smarter than everyone in the world. Just ask him.

Does anyone else wonder why the cameras were there for a press conference if they were scheduled to be in a meeting at that time? Can you say staged?

There is ALWAYS a gaggle of reporters stationed outside the White House, and has been for a couple of hundred years. There was no staging, just usual coverage.

Even more news:

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