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Grassley, Reynolds, other GOP leaders attend fundraiser in Clear Lake (video)

GOP leaders in Clear Lake – Left to right: RPI Co-Chair Cody Hoefert, Auditor Mary Mosiman, RNC Committeewoman Tamara Scott, RNC Committeeman Steve Scheffler, Rep. Linda Upmeyer, Lt. Gov. Adam Gregg, Gov. Kim Reynolds, Cerro Gordo county GOP Chairwoman Barb Hovland, Cerro Gordo County Iowa GOP County Co-Chairman Chadd Blanchard

CLEAR LAKE – Top Republican leaders representing Iowans gathered in Clear Lake Saturday for a fundraising event.

The event was held Saturday afternoon, October 28 at the K & B Emporium, located at 8 North 4th Street in downtown Clear Lake.  Minimum ticket prices were $35 up to $500.  Some local-level elected leaders were in attendance, including Mayor Nelson Crabb of Clear Lake and Cerro Gordo county supervisor Chris Watts.  Light snacks were offered along with a cash bar.

U.S. Senator Charles Grassley spoke to the gathering of GOP faithful first. Touching on many issues, he said the real Russian scandal is unfolding right now, involving Hillary Clinton and a uranium deal to the Russians during the administration of Barack Obama. The GOP-led investigation is now heating up, and could implicate Clinton in nefarious activity. Grassley also said that he believes a tax cut plan led by President Donald J. Trump is likely to pass yet this year. He and other legislators in attendance agreed, if that federal tax cut passes, the state’s budget will be in better shape, as state coffers will reap a benefit.  He also apologized for “turncoat” GOP Senators who sabotaged the repeal of Obamacare.

Steve Minert, currently chairman of the county compensation board, is a possible candidate for Iowa Senate

RPI Co-Chair Cody Hoefert spoke to the crowd and made a point to say that Democrats are being “eradicated” from state and local government.  He specifically mentioned Mason City Democrat and State Senator Amanda Ragan as a target. At the mention of Senator Ragan’s name, nearly all eyes turned to Steve Minert, who was one of the event’s sponsors. For months now, substantial speculation has centered on Minert’s possible candidacy against Ragan. Mr. Minert and his father, Ron Minert, own Harley-Davidson dealerships in Mason City and Charles City. Top GOP strategists in Des Moines view Minert as a likely winner in a race against Ragan.

Mr. Hoefert said Iowa Republicans will continue to support Donald Trump, Steve King, Grassley, Senator Joni Ernst and other GOP leaders.  He noted that liberals no longer talk about the “war on women” as he rattled off accomplishments by women in climbing to leadership positions in government in Iowa, like Senator Joni Ernst, Governor Reynolds (Iowa’s first female Governor), and Upmeyer (House Speaker).

Also addressing the crowd was Auditor Mary Mosiman.  Locals in the crowd whispered that they have great faith in her department and the possible outcome of an investigation into possible nefarious activities in the Mason City School District by former administrators.  Mrs. Mosiman explained that her office has one motto: “In God we trust – everyone else, we audit.”

Representative Linda Upmeyer told the crowd that she is frustrated that Democrats keep asking for more and more dollars for education, even as Republicans work with the left to approve education budget increases year after year.

Lt. Governor Adam Gregg said in Iowa, “you can have it all” and Republicans want to help keep it that way.  In leading up to his intro for Governor Kim Reynolds, he said no one, ever, has been more qualified to take the top spot in state government than Reynolds.

Governor Kim Reynolds revs up the right-wing crowd

Governor Kim Reynolds said her discussions with President Donald Trump have been fruitful; through her lobbying, he has pledged to stay the course with support for the Iowa Renewable Fuels Standard, for example.  She (and Upmeyer) both talked of Iowa’s need for a more-skilled workforce and the steps being taken to get there.  The lack of skilled workers, they claim, is holding back Iowa business growth at all levels.  This is a claim that has been made by Democrats, as well.  See the video, below, for more from the Governor.

North Iowa Republicans are on a roll, particularly in Cerro Gordo county. In last fall’s election, Republican challengers defeated longtime county Supervisors, Democrats Jay Urdahl and Phil Dougherty – who, between them, had 44 years of service. State Senator Mary Jo Wilhelm was defeated by Waylon Brown in a landslide. Senator Brown now represents Iowans in Cerro Gordo, Floyd, Chickasaw, Mitchell, Howard, Worth, and Winneshiek counties. For the first time since 1972, the GOP presidential nominee, Donald Trump, carried Mason City. NIT spoke to Todd Blodgett, whose family has been synonymous with north Iowa GOP politics for over over 45 years.

Todd Blodgett

Blodgett, who served on President Reagan’s White House staff, said, “There’s an anti-incumbent, anti-Liberal, anti-career politician wave coursing throughout north Iowa. This was evident last year and the sentiment still favors Republicans. Kim Reynolds will hold the governorship in 2018 and Republicans will gain state legislative seats in both houses.”

Blodgett, who was one of the few Republicans who foresaw Trump’s upset victory over Hillary Clinton, was seen talking with Steve Scheffler and Tamara Scott, who are Iowa’s elected national committee members of the Republican National Committee.

Among the event’s sponsors were: O. Jay and Pat Tomson, Tom and Barb Hovland, Steve and Jen Noto, Steve and Vicki Sukup, Supervisor Tim Latham, Andy and Emily Schmidt, Walt and Jan Wendland, Gary and Sandy Blodgett, Richard and Jeanne Haas, and Steve Minert.

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Just wondering if Todd is a paid contributor to NIT.

@ Curious George: No, doesn’t pay me for the columns I write, or anything else.

Republican Leaders meet and Todd grants Matt an exclusive interview which noted that he was seen talking to RHINO elites.

@ Anonymous: This event’s sponsors, which included my parents, didn’t include any RINOs. None of the attendees who paid to get in, and not one of the speakers, were RINOs; they’re ALL solid Conservatives. Contrary to your post, there was nothing “exclusive” about it. Also, for your info: Matt was there as an invited guest – he was invited to attend by an elected official.

NIT covered this event because it’s always newsworthy when an incumbent Iowa Governor and an incumbent U.S. Senator, and the Speaker of the House, state Auditor, and Lt. Governor, are all in one city at one time for two hours.

And, by the way, I don’t associate with elitists- nor do I care to.

Elitists are, by definition, DEMOCRATS. Looks like you’ve O.D’d on Courvosier and Chablis.

The usual Todd Blodgett schtick, very predictable and mundane.

But I have to ask you one question.
What in the hell possesed you to buy that sports jacket that you have on, on your website?
It looks like some psychedelic patchwork quilt made by some hippies in the late 60’s.
You’ve been accused of many things over the years, some justified, some not, but you will never have to worry about being accused of being a fashionista! Bwahaaaa. 🙂

In reply to ‘Anonymous’: actually, I didn’t buy it. When I was in college, I lent $50 to a fraternity brother who didn’t repay me. This was in 1983. Well, as graduation neared, I asked him for my fifty bucks back.

But … as he was the spawn of excessive, multi-generational, Republican/Episcopalian inbreeding, he was always as short on dough as he was rather dim-witted.

So, instead of the cash, he gave me that jacket, along with a framed poster of Farrah Fawcett-Majors (yeah – it was THAT poster; the one you’re probably thinking of … ) and a bong.

The framed poster and the bong are long gone, but the jacket still fits. I have no problem with psychedelic hippie paraphernalia, by the way. After all, using that bong (back in the day; NOT now) was kind of a hippie thing to do. And its usage led even to some really interesting (and, weird) conversations between I and that poster of Farrah.

You’re correct, though: I’m not a “fashionista” – and I’m cool with that. As the adage goes:

Democrats give away their old clothes. Republicans wear them.

When you look at that list of event sponsors, you won’t count one against the Renaissance project being touted as the way to make Mason City vibrant again.

@ bodacious – that’s not the case. I know this, because some sponsors have told me that they’re voting against the project.

Not that it will make any difference, because this project will fail next Tuesday.

I’m pretty sure it will fail too.
I thought it interesting that Hoefart said “that liberals no longer talk about the “war on women” as he rattled off accomplishments…” and then talks about Ernst, Reynolds and Upmeyer as if they are doing great things. Of the 3, only Joni Ernst has shown any backbone whatsoever. The other 2 are sycophants for the party. They represent the people who can afford $35-$500 a ticket to rub elbows with the big shot politicians who have put us in the mess we are in. Upmeyer laments that Democrats want more money every year for education. And out of that same mouth, she says Iowa’s workforce is lacking in skilled workers and we are trying to fix that. How are you going to do that lady? Train them? Where? When? With what money? Reynolds says Branstad’s managed care solution is working great and its no big deal Trump scuttled her plans for a state solution. Reynolds must also not talk to very many people if she thinks it is going great.
As far as Hoefart’s weak jab about women, it just shows that there was a war on women in the party.
This group will all be on the side that wins next Tuesday.

Go, Stevie!!!!!!

I have voted for Amanda each time she has been on our ballot and will proudly to do so again. North Iowans, do not replace the jewel of our state senate with a man who has zilch for political experience.

Amanda looked out for public safety when she tried to stop gun-totin’ neanderthals from being able to bring firearms into courthouses. Common sense lost when the Republicans voted in this absurd stand your ground legislation, which Terry Brain-dead signed.

Amanda looks out for the bikers, even if they are too ignorant to realize it (mandatory motorcycle helmet laws). She supports reproductive freedom. Does Minert? People, isn’t it bad enough that the best president in our history was replaced with the worst?

Another self-serving, greedy businessman like this disaster with the orange hair and orange skin would not be good for public education.

You are still smoking funny stuff aren’t you? Best President?? You are so full of it it is coming out your ears. All Ragan has ever done is lie about each and everything and spend, spend, spend. She supports the overpaid public servants at the expense of the taxpayers. Time to put her back in the kitchen where she belongs.

@ ISEA your nuts do you know that. Obama was the worse one we ever had. I bet you Amanda don’t know what will come her way if Stevie takes her on. Theres alot of Democrats live by us don’t like nothing about her.

We love Trump we will put out yard signs, for Minert if he goes up against Ragan. Its time to get that old hag back in that kitchen, make her do some work for what she gets paid over there.

@ ISEA: Why, in your view, is Stand Your Ground not good for law-abiding Iowans? 33 Iowa Senators representing BOTH political parties, voted for it. 33/50 = 2/3. Senator Ragan’s ‘NO’ vote was unwise. Had she had her way, lawful Iowans would’ve been at the mercy of violent perpetrators of crime. SYG provides innocent victims a means to protect themselves.

And, WHY are motorcyclists “ignorant” to oppose mandatory helmet laws? While you’re at it, how about explaining what’s “greedy” about the millions of dollars that Mason City Harley-Davidson has – over many decades – contributed to worthy causes and numerous charities?

It’s your right to believe that Barack Obama was the best President ever, just as it’s your right to say that Elvis is alive, the moon landing was faked, and that Hillary Clinton is ethical and honest.

Terry Branstad (who you deride as “Brain dead”) served longer as Governor than any Governor of any state in U.S. history. He never lost an election, and most Iowans think he governed very effectively.

Finally, why are north Iowans better served by a professional politician (who has already won FIVE times) whose salaries for BOTH of her jobs are paid by taxpayers, than a by a successful business owner who, for 30+ years, has created jobs and met payrolls?

Typical Todd Blodgett hypocrisy.
You deride “professional politicians” referencing Amanda Regan, yet you espouse the likes of Branstad, Reynolds and Grassley, the eptome of professional politicians.
As for suckling off of the taxpayer teat, what is the total amount of farm welfare taken by the Branstad, Grassley and even the Joni Ernst families?
Get real Blodgett as somtimes your hypocrisy knows no limits

@ Anonymous: The record proves that Terry Branstad, Chuck Grassley, and Joni Ernst ALL favor Stand Your Ground, and they ALL opposed Hillary. The same can’t be said for Senator Ragan.

If that is the best that you have Blodgett, it is even more pathetic than usual.
As is typical with you, you avoid the questions asked and defer to nonsensical rhetoric.
You are just an anachronism to days gone by.
The 1980’s are long gone Todd and you should take notice.
Your far-right spin is nothing more than antiquated bovine fecal matter.

Anonymous, it’s not “far-right” to favor Stand Your Ground, OR to oppose Hillary Clinton. We saw last fall how successful Democrats were at trying to “spin” voters into supporting Hillary.

Next fall, we’ll see how successful they’ll be at trying to “spin” voters into supporting candidates who voted against Stand Your Ground.

For the second time, Blodgett you have ignored the questons that I posed to you, but then again it is your wont to avoid anything that you are afraid to answer.
Your boy Trump is going down and you should know it well.
Try to answer some direct questions for once in your life and remove youself from the teachings of your spinmaster mentor Lee Atwater.

Questions – as in, plural? You asked me ONE question, and I have no idea of how much in USDA subsidies those people accepted.

Damn right time to put Amana back in the kitchen like full time hell yes. She has been down there 15 20 years thats along time, I say time for somebody new.

Go get her Mr Minert you got my vote hell yes.

Amanda she should hang it up, never should of got in. She wants people to think she can make job’s, LOL how many job’s has she make for them that needs one.

We will vote for Steve, least he knows how to run something not just a kitchen.

Nada Republican but we will vote for Minert, Amanda has been in to long. Go Stevie!

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