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Opinion: “Orchestrated assault” on family business

Opinion of Peter Children of Mason City –

Chop and Eleven in downtown Mason City.  Now closed.
Chop and Eleven in downtown Mason City. Now closed.
What went down here (closing of Chop restaurant and Eleven lounge) is unprecedented in the annals of this city. I have lived here and been part of the business community for decades and have never before witnessed the personal attack on a local merchant such has been perpetrated against Chop super club.

I stood witness to the orchestrated assault against George Barlas that took place during a City Council meeting. I watched in total disbelief as the police dragged out their Dog & Pony show in which they ran dashboard film showing unrest outside of Chop. Mayhem instigated by blacks from out of the state who are currently residing here. Of late there has been a large influx of “welfare recipients” who were attracted to Iowa due mainly to liberal public assistance laws.

These new arrivals are for all practical purposes unemployed if you don’t count dealing dope as gainful employment. While we all now these activities are illegal we also know the enforcement of dealing dope is to be shouldered by the police…..good luck with that. From what I see our police are more interested in shutting down Chop than dealing with the dealers. How many cities our size do not have a drug dog? Clear Lake has one, Forest City has one. Is that fact a signal to drug dealers that drugs are not a priority of the Mason City police? Does anyone recall any drug raids on the North End where this enterprise emanates? Was I out of town on the day our “Drug Taskforce” mounted an assault against this stain on society? No there was no raid no effort that I can recall that might interrupt this blatant activity that has caused such heartache in so many families. Yet careful preparation was prepared against this local merchant, that fact was more than evident as the police lined up to provide testimony one after another telling how they laid in wait parked across the street at the ready….sitting inside their cars watching to compile any and all evidence against Chop but being carful not to arrest any drug dealers during the process. How God damn pathetic was that? Is there an actual list of those arrested outside of Chop? I doubt it; if it exists publish it.

Shouldn’t the primary issue here be shutting down the drug dealers, or do you think shutting down a merchant who pays property taxes and provides employment in this community should be the main issue? That infamous council meeting is on tape….thank God as it will stand as witness to the total madness that took place that dark night in this small farming community when common sense had left the room…..

And now the rooms at Chop are dark and the ovens are cold. Twenty people are now unemployed; no criminals are behind bars and rejoicing is the order of the day with the city administrator and the council.

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Although I think this article has run its course for what it’s worth Calvin R. is really Peter Lagios

I think at this juncture, this intersection we’ve reached as a community, it no longer is about being politically correct….worrying about dog whistles and other catch phrases that we must worry will offend someone who believes society owes them a debt that could never be paid.

The only thing we need to worry about are drug dealers who are running lives, infecting your children and creating a series of home invasions……even if the occupant is inside. Do you have any idea how dangerous that is? Due to my advanced age I have hired help living here with me, his attributes are many and quite splendid. I have given him a pet name, I call him Brownie and his genetic make up is 12 gauge…

@Peter Children-Good comment. I too have a home aide named Mossy and he is supported by his friend Mr. Smith and Mr. Weston. It is sad that it has come to that in this city today and I hold the local officials responsible. I have met and talked to some of the imports recently and the majority are here to start new lives and that is great. But bringing in uneducated people that can not find work is a bad thing. They are the ones that break our laws and deal in the drugs that are destroying our community. I hope they all decide to make the Park Inn their hang out now. Wouldn’t that set them on their ear.

@LVS…. I know some of the helpers you and Peter have. In fact some of them are related to the helpers that I have working for me too.

Welcome back.

@Buzz-I have been away for awhile and am slowly coming back. Do not be to surprised with some of my comments. I have changed my opinion somewhat on a few subjects. I had some time to think.

Park inn don’t play the music that would bring them in. It is always the same type of place this happens at. Alley cats, Eleven, The Island, Stein, Vibrations, Southbridge, Four pesos.

after reading “common sense” statements here I can only assume he has a hard on for the PD cause he must get arrested all the time. most “nei” sayers have that problem. Its their fault you got arrested, ever look in the mirror

I will be the one to be the racist. I am sick and tired of the black drug dealers in this town. They have brought their business from Detroit and Chicago. I am sick of seeing the black families in 2nd Street and Monroe sitting on their porch day after day. No jobs, no desire to get jobs, just having a bunch of kids and collecting their welfare living in their section 8 house. I want my town back, and I want the black drug dealers and welfare junkies gone.

Thank you. I drive by there regularly and have often had the very same thought but never said it out loud for fear of being labeled a racist. Now may I ask……. is this an illustration of what it means to be a “porch monkey”?

Instead of the cops waiting for a problem to occur why don’t they get out and do something instead of wasting our tax dollars and time eating donuts and drinking coffee and waiting for the problem to get outta of control step up stop being lazy get out of your car and walk in and say something to the employees to see if you can stop a problem to get the people off the streets and home safely but that must be to much to ask for this town has became a huge joke i recently moved back and i felt more safe living in town of 700,000 they have shirts that say don’t meth with Iowa and im so posed to be proud to say i live in mason city.

Live in the La Crosse area where there are ALOT of bars…Don’t have this problem here. Police have a pretty simple rule here, you fight or act up in a bar, GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL!

I’ve heard from a couple reliable sources Mr. Barlas had both Chop and Eleven for sale before this liquor license debacle. Gives one pause to think what the actual story might be.

Also, this article is so blatantly racist it’s astonishing. I get that Mr. Children and most readers of NIT don’t like black people, but using such inflammatory rhetoric only exacerbates the issue. In the wise words of The Dude “You aren’t wrong, you’re just an asshole”.

There you go. Anything you don’t agree with just call it racist. Big difference between the truth and racist.The act of a weak mind.

If you knew my history you would never call me a racist. I operated the Red Llama bar here I the 60’s when blacks were restricted in 95% of all bars but NOT MINE. I grew up on South Jackson and ent to Grant School where the majority of kids were Mexican & black, I had (most have died) life long friends who were black. Speak to the Foster Brothers, I was Lenard’s largest contributor when he ran for the council. Ask him if I am racist. You’re getting the truth mixed up with your bias. I am the least racist guy in this town.

This is a fun game, I think I’ll keep playing.

To quote your article:
” Mayhem instigated by blacks from out of the state who are currently residing here. Of late there has been a large influx of “welfare recipients” who were attracted to Iowa due mainly to liberal public assistance laws.”

I would just like to point out you are 100% correct. The problem lies in the way you are saying it. Dog whistle statements, and in this case literal statements, generalizing a race of people are not productive. In fact, if your goal is to actually fix the problem, this is not the way to convey your ideas. I’m not debating on whether this sensitivity to political correctness is right or…

Also, just because you allowed blacks into your business does not mean you aren’t a racist, it means you are a savvy business man. Similar to how Lyndon Johnson was a savvy politician after saying this famous quote

I would like to say I genuinely don’t believe you are racist. I believe you are opportunistic and self serving. You are also far more concerned with punishing people then trying to fix the underlying problem. It’s said you waste your intellect and time trying to get vindication instead of making the world a better place.

First of all lets get something straight here, I really don’t give a rats ass what you think because no matter what I say or do its plain as the bias in your heart that whatever it is it will not measure up to the point that it will satisfy you. You got a hard on for the white man that will never go away.

Like so many others the Barlas family started out over 50 years ago with little material wealth and worked around the clock to get where they are today; I used black references regarding the drug dealers on the North End because they are black drug dealers; you want them to be something they are not and because it is what it is and its still not quite good enough….for you at least…

Speaking of bias, did you do a big OP on alley cats when they closed.

Amen Peter!!!!

Sounds like the teenie weenie mafia that dicktates Manly or for that matter worthless county.

Gee I wonder who this is! Sounds like your county is just as worthless and always will be

Why doesn’t someone hire a lawyer for all this crap going on ? Sitting around on websites complaining isn’t going to solve anything. Sure, people will read and anyone paying attention knows how crooked the leaders are including the PD but it just won’t solve anything.

Great article and good questions. I wonder if you will get any answers.

Cops can’t arrest a person who isn’t breaking the law nor have it on film… Barlas in a sense SHOULD be held accountable for what happens in his bar or across the street… location of establishment or color of patron should be least of worries!! Establishing some NEW RULES and enforcing like for example someone fights- kick them the fuck out… and ban them from ever returning. period
done. Words don’t mean shit if you’re not man enough to follow thru.
Say what ya mean and say what ya mean!

He can be sued if somebody leaves there and kills somebody driving. So controlling patrons 15ft away shouldn’t be asking to much.

You are referring to the dram shop act which pretty much comes down to who sold the last drink. Remember I held three liquor licenses. I am referring to a totally different animal. What is at issue here is the 1500 foot rule instigated by Kuhn; no one knows if it’s legal…..but that answer will be known soon.

You should not be asked to “baby sit” the last patrons of the night until they get back into their homes. When someone walks through your door and onto the sidewalk that should be the end of your obligation. Of course you should be required to keep the walks free of snow and ice in the winter but that is true of all merchants. Unrelated : Dram Shop Insurance. The cost of that insurance is based upon your volume of sales.

1500 ft is to much. But they should be responsible for the activities just outside the door.

I don’t envy anyone becoming a policeman, but you can’t decide to go into that profession without knowing in advance what is involved. Given the equipment each cop carrys on their person along with the authority to use it should go a long way in making the job easier. Making a business owner responsible for what happens even 15 feet from the front door is probably not legal. 1,500 feet is a joke. Maybe it will be tested soon in court.

The police parked in front of Eleven waiting for trouble. So, why aren’t they sitting parked in front of drug dealers houses.

maybe they are… you think they’d make themselves obvious? smh

This oped really does hit at the heart of the problem. The drug dealers here in town. I know it personally from a family member. This bar / restaurant is not the problem, it is the Gangs, (yes there are gangs here,) and the drug dealers. Until these drug dealers are shut down, the crime here will rise. These kids that are hooked and not employed need money to get their fix. We will end up being the victim of more and more theft until this drug dealing is stopped or curbed at least.

Barlas wasn’t forced to let that type in. They have been in business long enough to know a bad apple when they see one. They should have had bouncers manning the parking lot and not sold booze to minors and let people argue and fight. Funny how people only act up in and around certain places. Why do you suppose that is? It’s because the owners give the impression that they are lax in people watching and behavior.

Why, so Barlas can then be sued for human rights violations by picking and choosing what people come in based on looks? You’ve got to be kidding.

Hey petey….”liberal welfare laws” are in every state. Chops wasn’t forced to allow trouble makers in. Chops and Barlas employees gave the impression that they are lax in the crowd control. It’s Barlas own fault. Ever wonder why this stuff doesn’t go on in some other bars? You ought to since you claim to know how to run a bar…… Because the responsible bar owners man their establishment and have ZERO tolerance for trouble. duh.

Great article! It’s like living back in the 90s again!

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